The process to develop the Park Needs Assessment is organized into four key phases.
Early 2025
In this phase, we aim to find out from residents what needs they and their families have when it comes to parks and recreation and how well they think the current system is meeting those needs.
By leveraging multiple methods of engagement simultaneously and fostering dialogue among the widest possible audience, we’re able to find areas of agreement—those recurring needs and themes that are most important to residents. Areas of disagreement may indicate disparities that could result in different priorities for different parts of the city.
Spring 2025
Building on the findings of the grounding phase as well as the City’s existing inventory and assessments, we will develop a long-range vision and tools to streamline decision-making for the City’s parks and recreation system.
We aim to report back to the community on what we learned during the Grounding phase, receive feedback on preliminary recommendations, and continue to foster dialogue with residents about parks and recreation in Los Angeles.
Draft Park Needs Assessment
Early Fall 2025
The draft PNA will combine all of the finalized recommendations and set the City up for short-term and long-term successes. It will be clear about what funding is necessary to address park needs and provide guidance on what funding strategies might be available to close funding gaps.
We will share the the draft PNA with the community.
Final Park Needs Assessment
Late Fall 2025
Finalize the PNA and share the information broadly.
We aim to update the community on the completion of the PNA and share any next steps.